Monday, July 5, 2010


How happy I am that summer is here! Finally, a little rest! I found myself virtually limping toward the end of the spring semester - I made it! WE MADE IT! What an arduous year it has been: Quality Review had my entire school walking on pins and needles. We also had an "Aussie" to help guide us in developing the the pedagogical targets required to pass the state's mandated quality review. We were all thrilled when we saw the report over the time clock that we "met the standards."Whoo Hoo! By that time, I had come down with pneumonia. I just wish that we could keep up the same level of teaching all year long...but with class sizes being so large and curricular targets it proves to be quite a challenge.

Okay, so I'll quit licking my wounds for a minute, I've been selected (along with other colleagues) to teach in the AVID program. I have been teaching the AVID method since February this year. I find that this method once again empowers teachers to demand student accountability. We can challenge students to be their best in this program but also teach them in a holistic manner that allows for individuality, creativity, and metacognition. Students in the program all carry the came binder, and take notes in the Cornell method. They are required to come up with questions about what they learn and engage collaboratively to find answers to their questions. I'll be heading off to Atlanta this summer for further AVID training, so I'll update you on what I've learned.
